Wednesday 26 March 2014

Satisfy Your Electricity Demand

Generators installed for backup power during blackouts could help satisfy peak electricity demand. The two most important types of residential generators are portable and permanent standby. If you plan to power a few lights, your refrigerator and a furnace, a less expensive portable generator may provide sufficient power. If you intend to run your lights and furnace—along with a well pump, a freezer and other major appliances—you will need a permanent standby model.

Prime power diesel generator: A diesel generator that is designed to supply power on a constant basis and for long periods of time between shutdowns.
Standby diesel generator: A diesel generator that is operated in the event of failure of normal power. It is not designed for continuous use.
The diesel generator is treated as a mechanism to provide long-term power storage and the battery is used as a backup for short-term power storage. Emergency generator is normally power-driven by diesel engine. Diesel engines provide significant fuel economy and durability advantages for stationary diesel reciprocating engines. It is estimated that there are some 600,000 existing stationary diesel engines that are in use nationwide, with electrical generators accounting for more than half of the total. The diesel engine is nowadays the most frequently used unit, when it comes to transportation or stationary applications, because of its high effectiveness, low oil consumption and high torque generated at low RPM. The technology of the engine is constantly developing, which leads to a more and more effective use of energy in the process of oil combustion, and subsequently results in better performance at lower oil consumption. The population of stationary diesel engine is expected to continue to grow. Currently in most cases the telecommunication stations use diesel generators connected with backup batteries to provide power.

Minimizing the adverse impact of diesel engines on the environment poses a problem which is very much in focus. Solutions sought by developing various technologies and ideas, part of which propose reduction of fossil fuels consumption by increasing usage of alternative fuels.
Adpower is the leading the power generation place with Power Solutions engineered to deliver unmatched flexibility, expandability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness

Thursday 20 March 2014

Generators Vs Inverters

During power interruptions, correctly sized and installed emergency generators can safely power electrical equipment such as moveable heating units, computers, water pumps, milking machines, home freezers, refrigerators and lighting. However, emergency generators can be complicated and expensive. The key in selecting the proper generator is to evaluate what appliances you really need to power in an emergency. Generators use fuel like diesel, propane, gasoline to run an engine. That engine spins a rotating shaft which uses magnets and electrical windings to create electrical AC current. Generators are really good at one thing: taking a relatively light weight and easily acquired energy source (fuel) and creating lots of kilowatt hours of electrical power.

Inverters are also AC power supplies, but they use stored DC electrical energy in a battery (or a battery bank). They use high-speed electrical switches and transformers to modify the DC to AC, and then change the voltage to create 120V. On the plus side inverters are extremely efficient, compared to generators, and only consume DC power in direct relation to the amount of power they put out. However, inverters are not a great supply since their energy supplies (batteries) are permanently mounted, hard to replenish, and limited. This means that short-term heavy loads (like a microwave), or long-term lighter loads (like an entertainment center) are just right for an inverter with the right battery bank. So when you require the monster loads like A.C to turn on, run the macho generator for a long time (at least an hour) to power the heavier loads, and let the battery charger then give the inverter its efficient power once you’re ready to shut the generator down.

The demand of Diesel fuel in Dubai is increasing, resulting in bigger dependency on fuel imports. Dual fuel operation of a diesel engine using natural gas replaces diesel requirements significantly (as high as 80%). This is economically beneficial and improves the level of engine pollution. Line supply of natural gas is often not available at the location of power generation. Adpower develops a fully documented scope of work and a detailed proposal for the client, the equipment costing and the indicative costing of the work needed for the installation of the equipment

Friday 14 March 2014

Key Points Of Generator Safety

Generators are the AC power supplies that use fossil fuels as their major source of consumptive energy. In other words, they use fuel (diesel, propane, gasoline) to run an engine. If you plan on using an emergency generator, it is important that you take precautions for your safety and for the safety of other people as well.

Some of the key Points of Generator Safety are:

·         Read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
·         After losing power, turn off main breaker or pull main fuse block.
·         Operate outdoors in a clean, dry area.
·         Generator must be correctly grounded.
·         Generators that are directly connected to existing wiring systems must use double-pole, double-throw transfer switch.
·         All electrical connections must comply with the National Electric Code.
·         Do not overload generator with too many appliances.
·         Use appropriately sized extension cords in good condition.
·         You may be liable for damage or injury to people and property that may result from an improperly installed or operated emergency generator.

Diesel generators are the market norm above 150 kW, but system designers must plan for the limitations associated with utilizing on-site diesel fuel. Storing small amounts creates therisk of running out of fuel. Storing large quantities requires on-going maintenance to prevent contamination and degradation.
Emergency generator engines produce exhaust gases that have carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless and poisonous gas that can be deadly in high concentrations. Therefore, generators must be operated outdoors and away from any open windows or areas where harmful vapours may be trapped. It is strongly suggested to consult an electrician prior to installing or operating your generator to ensure your safety and compliance with the National Electric Code. To be safe, read your owner’s manual carefully. It’s imperative that you make sure you fully understand the proper installation and operating procedures for your unit – and don’t forget to use common sense.

Adpower understands that in an emergency, the quick mobilization of power generation is of utmost significance for disaster relief. Adpower also has substantial knowledge in its experienced staff, proven engineering design and manufacturing capability, established businesses processes and quality systems and commitment to innovation.

Friday 7 March 2014

The Experience and Expertise You Need

The diesel generator is used when electricity is not readily available, or when power failures take place due to natural disasters such as typhoons or floods, or during other unexpected crisis.
Diesel generators have been common solutions for industrial standby power applications for decades. But one needs to be equipped with all the essential information related to the working and operating of the diesel generating sets like:

  • Generator should also be grounded to prevent electrical shocks from defective appliances. To ground this unit, simply connect a length of heavy copper wire between the unit and a ground source

  • Most appliances need more power to start than their rated wattage. Therefore make certain that you do not overload the generator with too many appliances.

  • Air temperature affects generator output. Output drops 1% for each 10° temperature rise above 60° F. Very low temperatures may make the engine hard to start

  • Batteries have sulphuric acid which can burn your eyes and skin. Whenever working with a battery, protect your eyes and skin from exposure to the acid. In case of contact with any acid, act immediately by systematically flushing the affected area with clean cold water and seek quick medical attention

  • To avoid electrical shocks or short circuits, do not touch the unit with wet hands, stand in water and function in the rain or place the unit in standing water

  • For diesel generating sets only use light diesel fuel and keep dust and water out of the fuel. Failure to do so will generate problems with the injection pump and nozzles.

  • Do not overfill the tank. Make sure that the fuel cap is securely tightened after refuelling.  Do not spill any fuel or if fuel is spilled, make sure that the spilled fuel is removed before starting the engine.

  • It is very significant that you select the proper engine oil to maintain the life and performance of your generator. If inferior or the wrong weight oil is used, or if your engine oil is not replaced at regular intervals, there is a risk of major damage to your engine due to overheating

Your Adpower diesel generators are equipped with a “low oil” warning system. This system automatically stops the engine when the oil level becomes dangerously low, preventing major damage to your generator

Monday 3 March 2014

Safety Information

Diesel generators like other generating sets have three indications on them:

DANGER: indicates a hazard which will lead to severe personal injury, death, or considerable property damage if you ignore warning.
WARNING: indicates a hazard which can cause severe personal injury, death, or considerable property damage if you ignore warning.
CAUTION: A caution label indicates that either severe personal injury or equipment damage may result if instructions are not followed

The Adpower diesel generators would function safely and to specification if operated according to the instructions. Failure to do so may result in severe personal injury and/or equipment damage.

·         Engine exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas. Overexposure will lead to loss of consciousness and could be fatal too. Prevent Inhalation of Exhaust Fumes as Carbon Monoxide is an odourless gas that can prove to be lethal.

·         Use only in well-vented areas. Make sure area has plenty of free-moving, fresh, outside air. Never run generator in a covered or confined area. Never run generator inside occupied building

·         Diesel fuel presents a hazard of fire and is combustible. So keep fuel out of children’s reach. Store fuel in a well-vented area free of open flames or spark

·         Keep generator at least three feet away from any object. Do not use generator where flammable vapours are present.

·         The muffler and engine body of generator gets very hot when the engine is operating or shortly thereafter. Do not touch these parts or you may be severely burned.

·         Have standby installation to home or building performed by a licensed electrician. Do not let anyone else wire into a utility circuit

·         Never operate generator if engine speed changes greatly, if engine misfires often, if powered items overheat, if electrical output drops and if it is sparking

·         Store generator in a well-vented area. Make sure fuel tank is empty. Never store with fuel in tank.

Adpower continues to be a leader in the broad range of markets it serves, by proactively anticipating power quality trends and needs, and listening attentively to its prospects’ and customers’ needs. Focused knowledge and dedicated workforce combined with the installation of excess capacity at all sites ensures 100% reliability and availability of Adpower services.