Tuesday 28 January 2014

Handle with care

The cost of a power outage for a single switch site ranges from $3.37 million per hour to $6.02 million per day, far out weighing the cost of an entire network monitoring contract. Power related failures in communication central offices, financial data centres, cable head ends, and power utility sub-stations have made headlines. Even with backup facilities in place, 95 percent of organizations have experienced an unplanned data centre outage within the past two years and 49 percent of unexpected downtime was due to absolute UPS failure. Diesel generators directly address this critical and costly problem.

Installation and repair procedures require specialized skills with electrical generating equipment. Any person that installs or repairs this generator must have these specialized skills to ensure that this generating unit is safe to operate
When your generator is delivered, it becomes the responsibility of the owner/operator of the generator set to prevent unsafe conditions and operation of the equipment. Some responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to make sure that this equipment is correctly and safely installed.
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to make sure that this equipment, when installed fully complies with all central, state and local codes.
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to ensure that any person operating this equipment has been properly trained.
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to make sure that any person operating this equipment has access to all manuals and information required for the safe use and operation of this equipment.
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to make sure that it is properly maintained and safety inspected at regular scheduled intervals.
·         It is the responsibility of the owner/operator of this generator to make sure that any person who has not been trained on the safe use of this equipment does not have access to this equipment.

Adpower has a remote monitoring and instant diagnostics system so that it can provide high level, responsive technical support to help you to install and maintain your generators and pumps. It also provides clear, attractively presented information (brochures, point of sale information, etc) and tailored training programmes using simulators that can reproduce the most varied of configurations.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Transfer power from the Generator to Your House

Generators rely on the principles of electromagnetism to produce electricity. Essentially, if two magnets are placed so that the opposite poles are adjacent to one another and a conductor is passed through the magnetic field between them, a voltage is generated within the conductor. The prime mover of the Generator set will be a diesel engine and the prime mover will be coupled to an alternator (single phase for small units). Generator sets of higher rating have to be started with battery starters. Diesel Generator sets of smaller rating can be started by cranking as well.

Large residential buildings need the use of backup generators in order to operate elevators, fire systems, and critical services during emergencies. However, these backup generators are usually made to operate independently of the building’s main electrical equipment, and must be separately activated in an emergency.
The technology exists today to tie these same systems into the main electrical system of the building, allowing them to serve the building loads during prolonged emergencies and during peak load hours. This not only helps to ease peak load, but also allows the building operator to recoup some of the cost of the backup generator by reducing power purchased at high rates and by potentially reducing peak power charges.

Choosing a location for your new diesel generator is generally straightforward, but there are factors you must consider. A good location is one that allows the generator to operate efficiently and safely without endangering the lives of people living in the house. Always install standby generators outdoors on stable ground that does not flood. The exhaust gases produced by a generator contain deadly carbon monoxide, and that is yet another consideration for location. Standard required clearances or guidelines include three feet from any wall, five feet from any house opening, three feet from flammable materials. Never locate the generator anyplace that might allow exhaust gases to accumulate, under a roof of any kind, or inside any kind of building.

Adpower has a complete range of portable generators designed for sales and rentals for construction, municipal, industrial, and mining applications. Increased concerns for environment are driving power plants to minimise their environmental footprint. Adpower offers established solutions for CO and NO emission reduction and control technologies for full and part load operation.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Understand the Importance of Maintenance of the Generators

Experts estimate that, during the North American blackout which affected more than 50 million people in 2003, more than 20% of back-up generation systems either did not start, or ran for only a few minutes before sputtering out – this was largely due to the insufficient testing and maintenance of the generators.
The particular testing and maintenance procedures for generator units will vary in accordance with its make, size and operating conditions; however as a guide, industry experts recommend that generators should be tested at least once a month, if not more often. It is also reported that the rate of discovery of potential problems when systems are tested under load for at least half an hour is almost twice the rate of when a system is tested by manually starting the generating equipment and letting it run without load
Also Organisations must know and understand their fuel requirements, including how long their generator will operate before requiring refuelling; the availability of additional on site storage; and the quantity of fuel required to support the power needs of the organisation for essential and/or non-essential operations. Organisations should also be aware that diesel fuel has a useful life, and fuel suppliers typically suggest fully turning over backup diesel stocks each year to help ensure continued fuel quality. In addition, diesel stocks for diesel generating sets should preferably be replaced in winter so that the fuel can be used in all Australian seasons. Summer grade diesel fuel would cause filter blocking in winter due to wax precipitation and settling. Organisations who plan to rely on backup diesel stocks should discuss their particular fuel and storage requirements with their fuel supplier to determine what fuel management measures are appropriate.
To design powerful, high performance generators down to the smallest detail, Adpower uses its experience of the requirements and conditions in the field. Adpower also provides technological solutions that are easy to use, compact and reliable with maximum safety as well as reducing noise and fuel consumption, providing professionals with the most ergonomic equipment in the market. Diesel generating sets are now more competitive than ever, combine their established quality with expertise to provide a new level of performance and unequalled lifetime.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Proven and reliable source of electricity

Due to power outages, the few manufacturing companies in Dubai have no choice but to produce their own electricity, running their operations with dependable diesel generators. It has been estimated that self generation of electricity from diesel generators in the country is around more than 6000 MW. There have been many documented reasons for the poor performance of the electricity sector in the country. Aside corruption, another main factor affecting the electricity sector is the distortion in the investment pattern, which has focused more on generation at the expense of transmission and distribution facilities.
Since just one power failure could cause immeasurable damage, use of "back up" power system is necessity in telecommunication. Straightforward solution would be the use of small diesel generators as a "back up" for, say, PV/battery power system in case of frequent poor weather conditions or unexpected system failure. Even though it seems at first glance that these requirements even more raise the cost of the already pricey installation, it will be shown that integrating "back up" in the power generation can not only downsize the whole system but can also make major savings in total costs. Diesel generators do not necessarily have to be used only as a "back up" but can also actively participate in electricity generation during months of lower sun intensity. Without a diesel generator back up, any significant deviation from the expected daily load profile or unusual bad weather conditions can potentially collapse the system or necessitate load shedding. The addition of a diesel generator increases reliability of the system but if it is used as an integral part of the system, and not only as "back up".
Innovative technology, dependable products, and unparalleled support are brought to you by the people you can trust: Adpower. Experts from Adpower will be on hand to provide those attending with advice and guidance on selecting solutions for specific applications, with the emphasis on combining energy efficiency with versatility, durability and value for money.
It is becoming a global leader with expertise in power distribution; backup power protection is positioned through its global solutions to answer today’s most crucial electrical power management challenges.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Diesel generators: An ideal solution to meet kinds of needs

The idea behind buying a generator is to have electricity during an emergency. People prepare for the possibility of power outages by buying an electric generator as a standby system to keep lights and appliances running until services are restored. A generator is able to save food in your refrigerator during a prolonged outage, let you keep your home, office running or power other essential equipments.
Adpower takes pride in developing safe solutions for the distinctive requirements of set stage power distribution. By focusing on safety, quality, innovation, value and uncompromising customer service, Adpower is able to achieve its core objectives: developing customized solutions, providing unmatched support, and delivering superior products on time to each client.
In countries where grid infrastructures are very minimal for expansive transmission and distribution to rural areas and less cities, powering up such locations faces budgetary constraints. In this situation, the installations of diesel generators are a perfect solution to meet domestic needs and also high-energy requirements in rural areas. Diesel generators are easy to install and can either be used as standalone systems or as part of hybrid systems in conjunction with other sources like solar power. The major advantage of such a system is the sourcing of power by the lowest cost option depending on the operating environment and time of day. Due to their widespread use throughout the world, diesel generator sets deserve a further mention. Diesel generating sets come in a wide range of commercially available sizes, from about 5 kW up to 30 MW.
Diesel generators are long lasting and usually have a useful lifespan of 7 -10 years (30,000 hours running time), but this can be drastically reduced if maintenance is poor. These generators like others need to be started and run once or twice each month to circulate their lubricants, drive off damaging moisture, and charge their starter batteries. It is advisable to not to connect a generator to the electrical wiring of your home or office unless a licensed electrical contractor has installed an isolating switch. It is a legal requirement in countries like Dubai that all electrical work be undertaken by licensed trades’ people. Diesel generators should be operated outdoors and well away from open windows as they produce dangerous fumes. Also never plug a generator into wall outlet as this creates a high risk of electrocution, not only on your property but also for neighbours using the same utility transformer.